IBJ Power Breakfast Mfg & Logistics 2018

Published: June 6, 2018

IBJ Breakfast Advanced Manufacturing & Logistics
#IBJconexus #RelationshipsMatter

Although Affinitates activities are focused on smaller, more intimate engagements, the IBJ Breakfasts with Conexus are great for reconnecting and hearing industry trends...that increased awareness helps me add value for clients. Great talking with friends from the past like Amy Woodall, Tim Roberts and Monica Kozlowski.

Technology is enabling so many improvements in Mfg/Logistics...from autonomous vehicles to safety features to avoid accidents, things are changing.

As the panel hi-lighted, there has to be a balance between technology and safety. Social needs demand it & the sheer growth of vehicles on the road is staggering.

Thanks Amy Horton for your team gathering an impressive panel of Lee Bauer, Darcy Bullock, Brandye Hendrickson, Tom Linebarger, Henry Maier, Joe McGuinness #Affinitates