Grand Opening IoT Lab Fishers

Published: March 22, 2018

Visions Make Things Happen
#RelatioshipsMatter #Affinitates

Grand Opening of IoT Lab Fishers is just another example of area visionaries helping to put central Indiana on the map.

The relevance of the facility was demonstrated by the quality of business leaders in attendance...from emcee Gerry Dick to IoT Lab member Mike Peck of Outside Source.

It used to take good seasons from Peyton Manning and Reggie Miller to bring attention to Indy. Now it’s much more.

Waiting in line for the Grand Opening of an Apple Store is the norm. But for an IoT lab? We’ve come a long way.

Good to meet and reconnect with a few area business leaders. Erik Braden, Jim Patterson, Brent Shopp, Dan Dezelan, David Dezelan, Mark Hanna, Josh Brammer, Monty Riffer.