Networking Broken? Be Deliberate

Published: October 23, 2018


Networking Broken? Be Deliberate
#RelationshipsMatter #Affinitates

Although I love meeting good people, there are times I've felt that networking was broken.

Many have had similar experiences.

What are you generally looking to accomplish when investing time into events?






Our frustrations occur when our approach isn't aligned with the values and formats of the events we go to.

When that happens, it's tough to have conversations with the right matter how hard we try.

So, the first factor for changing that is in our being deliberate when deciding which events to attend.

Usually there are multiple reasons...But, what are you generally looking to accomplish when investing time into events?



Is it for...

• Finding new business

• Education or entertainment

• Perhaps it's the social aspect of hanging with buddies



Whatever it is, be deliberate in evaluating if your primary reason for going is consistent with the event.

As an's often more difficult to find new business opportunities when it's an event with the same people every time.

On the other hand, frequently being around the same people is an ideal way to learn from others and develop social relationships.

So what are you typically looking to accomplish when investing your time into events? 

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Send me a message with factors and you think need to be part of this conversation.