IBJ Engage Indiana

Published: December 8, 2017

Having Heart. Creates Relationships. Creates Engagement. Solves Problems #Affinitates #RelationshipsMatter

As Allison Melangton used those words to describe how Indy differed from other cities hosting Super Bowls, it brought to mind what many of us have experienced in business.

Although Clay Robbins delivered an excellent keynote message, it was Allison’s message that hit home with me.

We don’t work transaction to transaction. Instead, there’s a drive to develop meaningful relationships with others that know and understand us.

That’s a great thing about Indy...there are Business Leaders wanting to build relationships.

Engage Indiana was a wonderful breakfast event. Seeing good friends and business associates there was an added bonus.

Rafael Sanchez Eric Howard Duke Haddad, Ed.D., CFRE John Elliott Dan Beaty Dana Sherwood Sally Fillbrunn Suzanne Rothenberg Joe Schulz Doug Frailey