Are You Rebuilding Relationships

Published: July 16, 2018


 Are You Rebuilding Relationships?
#RelationshipsMatter #Affinitates

While it’s great getting insights from the Affinitates Community, it’s also important to get perspectives from those outside our traditional circles of influence.

What past relationship do you need to revisit? Where do you need to follow up?






During a recent trip thru Germany, I made a few observations and came to appreciate the importance of rebuilding.

We all build walls of different types for different reasons.

The tendency is to think only about new relationships…but what about past relationships?

Those that have been strained or have just gone cold.

That’s what Germany faced on a much grander stage when walls were literally built and relationships lost.

Many times, our best allies and opportunities are where we have lost touch with our past.

How can we rekindle those relationships?

What past relationship do you need to revisit? Where do you need to follow up?

Send a message to share your thoughts on getting past relationships back on track.